In total freedom
Each Iberian pig used to craft Dehesa Barón de Ley products has three hectares where it can graze solely on acorns
While all kinds of trees and shrubs that got in the way of extensive farming were eliminated in many agricultural zones of Spain, in Extremadura and Andalusia, the Iberian territories par excellence, holm oak and cork oak trees were left because of their richness as food for the local species.
This almost grassroots decision enabled extensive zones (meadowland) to remain, where Iberian pigs can graze in absolute and total freedom. The Iberian pigs at the Dehesa Barón de Ley have three hectares per animal, which ensures a proper diet based exclusively on acorns, the distinctive feature of their quality.
The acorn,
an Iberian food
An inexhaustible source of quality in Iberian pigs, whose products are unique in the world
The acorns from the holm and corks oaks in the feeding grounds mature in the months of October and November. They are the main source of food in the meadowland in the last quarter of the year, when the Iberian pigs from Dehesa Barón de Ley graze freely.
Their high oleic acid content, a fatty acid with intermediate oxidation, is transferred to the Iberian pigs, rendering their nutritional properties so highly prized. This nutritional chain, which begins in the meadowland as the acorns drop and lasts until Iberian products are consumed, is what enables us to state that it is one of the most unique products in the whole world.